The Heli-Yacht Journey

Asset 9

Scroll to discover the Heli-Yacht Journey.


The Earlier, the Better.

The earlier you think about how to incorporate helicopters onto your yacht, the easier it is to do. The Air side can often be oversimplified or even fogotten! 

Ideally you should start planning for it from the second the dream of building your new yacht is born. 

We can accompany you through the whole process, to make sure you can operate helicopters safely to and from your yacht.


We can help you with the fine print.

Nobody likes getting through the contracts, but don’t let helicopter integration slip through the cracks! 

Have you remembered to include equipment storage? onboard refuelling capabilities? hangars and lifts? helideck dimensions? helideck strength & size? helideck equipment? safety equipment? securing arrangements? deck motion detection equipment? fixed fire fighting equipment? night operational lighting? outfitting of loose equipment? helideck training for yacht crew? helideck procedure implementation?

  • We can offer you general Air Integration oversight. For a monthly retainer, we will make sure your yacht is safely and effectively built to receive helicopters.
  • We can write your Air Specification detailing how the vessel needs to be built for Air Integration.
  • We can provide Snap Shot Reports and Risk Assessments at any stage in the build.
  • We can also help you achieve certification – with the help of HeliRiviera, our training provider.

You need to decide if a private deck is enough for you, or if you’d like a commercially certified helideck.
You will need to be certified if you’d like to operate charter helicopters to your vessel, and it can increase your re-sale value!


This is when the magic happens.

With the build underway, this is where you really need eyes on the project. 
Any number of things can go wrong, jeopardising the time and money that has been put into this project until now.

We can help oversee your air integration as your heli-yacht consultant if you feel like you need an expert on call..

We can also provide Snap Shot Reports and Risk Assessments at any stage in the build.


You're almost there...

Your yacht is almost there. Now is the point for any last minute checks, amendments and verifications. 

We can provide you with Snap Shot reports, or Risk Assessments if you just need some peace of mind that your operation will run safely.

We can even come audit your helideck and facilities, if you need a detailed check.

We can also help you get commercial certification before your delivery, including any training, manuals and audits that entails.


The day has finally arrived!

Congratulations, you are a proud new yacht-owner.

Hopefully if you need your yacht to be helicopter capable, you have already thought of everything and you are ready to fly and sail away! 

If you have built a private helideck but decide you want it certified after all, that’s something we can help with.

If helicopter capability is something you haven’t thought of until now, don’t worry – you can retrofit!


Don't worry - it's not too late!

Sometimes it just isn’t possible to plan far enough ahead.

Someone has changed their mind, or new projects have come to light, and now you need a helicopter-capable yacht. The only problem is, your build is complete or you’ve already signed your Sales and Purchase agreement.

Well, you’re in luck! Helicopter capability is something that, more often than not, can be added to a yacht retrospectively. 

Of course it is easier to do at the beginning, but we love a challenge. Get in touch with us to see if we can help!


What will your next adventure be?

Now that your yacht is all set up to welcome helicopters onboard, you should


Or if you’d like to keep up with training, need help getting permits, or a base in the South of France, you should get in touch with our partner: HeliRiviera.

If you need some expert advice at any stage in the Heli-Yacht Journey, get in touch with us!